How Do You Treat Bad Breaths or Halitosis?

Aug 04, 2022


Bad breath, also called Halitosis, is an embarrassing thing and sometimes can even cause anxiety. So it’s new to see store shelves overflowing with mints, gums, mouthwashes, and other products meant to fight bad breath. However, some of these measures are temporary as they do not address the natural causes of the problem.

Certain health conditions, foods, and habits are some of the e causes of Halitosis. In many cases, you can improve your bad breath by practicing good dental hygiene. However, simple self-care techniques do not solve your problem. You should see your dentist determine if a more serious problem is causing your bad breath.

What Are The Causes of Bad Breath?

Most bad breaths start in your oral cavity, and there are many causes. Some of these causes include:

  • The breaking down of food particles in and around your oral cavity can increase bacteria which causes a foul odor. Easting foods such as garlic, onions, and spices can also contribute to bad breath. Once you digest these food types, they enter your bloodstream to your lungs, affecting your breath.
  • Poor dental hygiene. If you do not brush and floss your teeth daily, food debris will accumulate on them, causing bad breath. A colorless, sticky film made of bacteria will form n your teeth. If this is not brushed away, it can irritate your teeth and gums and eventually form plaque-filled pockets between your gums and teeth. Dentures that are also not cleaned regularly or loosely fitted can harbor food particles and odor-causing bacteria,
  • Dry Mouth. Saliva is essential in cleansing your mouth, thus removing particles that cause foul odors. When you have a condition like dry mouth, the production of saliva in your mouth decreases. Dry mouth naturally occurs while you are asleep, leading to morning breath. It worsens when you sleep with your mouth wide open.
  • Tobacco products. Smoking, as we know, has an unpleasant mouth odor. In addition, smokers and those using oral tobacco are also more likely to suffer from gum disease, another source of bad breath.
  • Infections in your mouth. Surgical wounds can also cause bad breath after oral surgery, like tooth extraction or gum disease, tooth decay, or mouth sores.

How To Treat Bad Breath From Halitosis

To help reduce bad breath, lower the risk of gum disease or avoid cavities, you should consistently practice good oral hygiene. If you have a severe condition, you may need further treatment from your dentist in Austin, TX.

If your dentist examines your condition and finds that an underlying condition causes the bad breath, they will likely refer you to a primary care provider. For cases related to your oral health care, your dentist will work with you to help you improve and control your condition.

If a build-up of bacteria causes bad breath on your teeth, your dentist will recommend a mouth rinse that eliminates the bacteria. They may also recommend a toothpaste that contains an antibacterial agent that kills bacteria caused by plaque build-up.

Can Halitosis Be Prevented?

Yes, Halitosis can be prevented if you practice the following:

  • Brush and floss your teeth after every meal.
  • Brush your cheeks, tongue, and mouth’s roof as most bacteria live on these parts. Thus, scraping or brushing your tongue can make a huge difference to your breath
  • Keep your saliva flowing by taking healthy foods that need a lot of chewing. For example, apples and carrots require a lot of saliva. You can also suck on sugar-free candies or chew sugar-free gum. If you still don’t have enough saliva, your dentist may recommend getting artificial saliva.
  • If you have dentures, you should take them at night and clean them thoroughly before putting them back. Your dentist will guide you on cleaning them and the kind of products to use. Some of the products may only mask the odor for a short time.
  • Vit your dentist regularly. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can find problems like gum diseases, dry mouth, and infections. If your dentist can’t find the cause of your bad breath in Austin, TX, you may be referred to another primary healthcare for more diagnosis.

If you are in search of a dentist that treats Halitosis in Austin, Tx, you should visit Lifetime Smiles Cosmetic Dentistry

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