The Early Signs Of Cavities

Sep 14, 2017


Cavities are associated with pain, aches, and a feeling of dread knowing that you need to visit your dentist as soon as possible. If a cavity isn’t taken care of, it can be harmful to your oral health. Cavities that are left untreated will continue to decay and your tooth will eventually become unsalvageable. A cavity, as you probably know, is a tooth that has developed decay. Once the tooth has developed decay, a hole will form and it will go deeper and deeper toward the root of the tooth. Your tooth will also be broken down and can lead to even more oral health problems or overall body issues if it is not taken care of. Cavities occur when you don’t properly care for your teeth. This can mean not flossing frequently enough or not brushing your teeth the recommended twice a day. As a dentist at Lifetime Smiles, we see cavities quite frequently and we know they can be very painful. We also know that coming in with a cavity will fill you with unease.

In today’s blog, we’ll be covering early detections of cavities, so you can ensure your oral health is in tip-top shape. It’s important that you know what to look for when it comes to cavities in your teeth. By knowing the signs of a cavity, you’ll be able to avoid harm to your teeth and know when to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

Signs You Have A Cavity

To help you know when it’s time to visit your dentist due to a cavity, we compiled a list of signs to look out for. Any discomfort in the mouth is a nuisance and can be cause for alarm, but when you know the specific signs to be aware of, then you won’t be in danger of allowing a cavity to fester for too long. By knowing certain sensitivities in your mouth, you’ll be much more prepared for when you do have a cavity versus something less severe.

  • A Toothache: Does your tooth ache? One of the earliest detections of a cavity is a toothache. Sharp, painful aches without any cause are the best way to know whether you have a cavity. It’s also the easiest way to know because it’s very noticeable, especially when you bite down and it appears to be a spontaneous second of pain.
  • A Hole In Your Tooth: When you look in the mirror, do you notice a hole in your tooth? Holes in your teeth are very noticeable – or sometimes pits is what they are considered to look like – and you’ll feel it with your tongue. When there is decay taking over your tooth, you’ll notice a hole in it where the cavity is forming.
  • Pain When You Bite: When you bite down while eating or during any other time do you notice a bit –  or a lot – of pain? Another early sign of a cavity is the pain when you bite down. A sharp or dull feeling of discomfort while biting will help you detect what’s going on in your mouth.
  • Sensitivity: Do you notice sensitivity on your tooth when you eat food or drink beverages that are too cold or too hot? Do you notice your tooth is extra sensitive when you eat things that are very sugary? Tooth sensitivity is an important sign to consider when you’re trying to figure out if you have a cavity.

If you think you have a cavity, then take the time to book an appointment with a dentist at Lifetime Smiles today.

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